
All posts by brianreiss

March Madness is fast approaching, and everyone is obsessing over who’s going to make the field of 68. Everyone and their mother seems to have their own bracketology page nowadays. And while a lot can happen between now and selection Sunday, it’s still fun to speculate.

Once the bracket is in place though, the fun part is dissecting and predicting exactly what’s going to happen. Bracket analysis shows everywhere and family and office pools run rampant. You can’t miss it! This is where I come in.

Recently, I learned the black science/art of Machine Learning. It’s a form of Artificial Intelligence that gets a computer to do something without specifically programming it to do so. There are tons of examples of this everywhere. But I figured I’d put this newfound knowledge to something more pointless and fun. Namely, taking said NCAA bracket and using machine learning to pick the bracket!
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